Our Most Popular YouTube Videos

I still think it’s funny that the number one most viewed video of Luna on our You Tube page is the Bitter Apple video.  It’s a silly little clip taken when Luna was a puppy and we were having our battles with the Bitter Apple Spray.  All I had to do was whip out that yellow and green bottle and Luna went into a frenzy.


That being said, our top rated video of Luna is the one where she purrs like a cat.  This is actually and everyday occurrence with her.  All you have to do is rub her face and she starts making all sorts of funny noises.  Is she purring, is she snorting, is she moaning…?  It’s hard to tell.

Tags Dog Bloggging with Luna, , You Tube

A romp on the stairs

I don’t know about your pets, but every dog I know LOVES running up and down stairs. Luna has loved playing on stairs ever since she was able to manage them and this past puppy-filled-week I was able to capture the entire gang romping up and down our steep (but manageable) flight. Since this was Finley’s and Tucker’s (if you can believe that) first time on them, we were all standing by watching to see what would happen. It’s quite apparent that they all had a blast!

Tags Dog Bloggging with Luna, You Tube

Happy Easter

Tags Dog Blogging With Luna, You Tube