What A Week

I had mentioned in my previous post that Tucker was to be staying with us for a few days, along with Janet, my sister Lindsey and her husband Louis.  So in short how can I describe this past week? It was a chaotic, bitey-head game, furniture moving, air mattress sleeping, dog hair flying amuck kind of a week.  D and I currently live in a small 900 sf home and it can (and will) get very ‘tight’ in the house.  Despite the lack of space, I love my family very much and I am always happy to see them.  More importantly I am happy to see Luna and Tucker form their relationship.  I think it’s safe to say that we will need to get Luna a puppy within the next few years as it is very obvious that she loves having another small one around.  Yes, I will admit that Luna was the instigator when it came to all of those bitey-head games, but Tucker sure knew how to get in a few good mouthfuls of Luna’s hair.

Here are a few pictures of this past week.

The games begin!


Luna, sister Lindsey and Louis

Luna: Wake up sleepy head!

Having fun with Janet, Luna, and Tucker

Getting my own cuddle time with the dogs.

  A time out- yes D needed one too!


Two worn out pooches.

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Wordless Wednesday #42


Guess Who’s Back?

Yes that’s right, it’s Tucker!  D and I have secretly named him ‘Little Terror Tucker’ to match nicely with our ‘Little Miss Lunatic.’  Catchy don’t you think?  Tucker will be staying with us over the weekend, so I’m sure there will be more pictures to share with you! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

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