Our Happy Dance

We just found out that the female Golden Retriever which Grandma Janet has been keeping track of is going to have her puppies at the end of June!  Upon hearing this great news, we decided to celebrate with a pair of tongs and our camera.  Wait\u2026 what?!  Just watch the video and see. :)


Did you know that dbwluna has a You Tube channel? Stop by for a visit, and do let us know if you have your own You Tube channel. 

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We just found out that the female Golden Retriever which Grandma Janet has been keeping track of is going to have her puppies at the end of June!  Upon hearing this great news, we decided to celebrate with a pair of tongs and our camera.  Wait… what?!  Just watch the video and see. :)

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Did you know that dbwluna has a You Tube channel? Stop by for a visit, and do let us know if you have your own You Tube channel. 

Tags , , Going Bonkers, , You Tube, ,

Dog Dances With Happiness (Really!) After Being Rescued From Puppy Mill

I came across this video over at one of my favorite animal sites Paw Nation.  This dog was so excited about being rescued from a puppy mill in Tennessee that all he could do was dance. 

Tags , , You Tube,

Dancing Dog

If only I could get Luna to dance like this.

Elizabeth & Luna