Here are a few pictures of our weekend.
And here are two videos for your enjoyment.
I would also like to mention a
Happy Fathers Day
to all of the wonderful Dad\u2019s out there!
","wysiwyg":{"engine":"code","isSource":false,"mode":"htmlmixed","source":""}}" data-block-type="2" id="block-4ff77256e4b0033272c669dd">D, Luna, and I were extremely excited last weekend, knowing we were going to meet Tucker for the first time. My parents made the 5+ hour drive over the Mountains to stay with us for the weekend, with the secondary mission of introducing Tucker and Luna to one another. The moment Tucker was let loose on our floor, the two dogs bonded and went crazy. There was running, tugging, slobbering, hair pulling, body slams and alpha-action. It was like we were witnessing a mini, furry, non-stop WWF wrestling match. It’s safe to say that instant friends were made.
Here are a few pictures of our weekend.
And here are two videos for your enjoyment.

I would also like to mention a
Happy Fathers Day
to all of the wonderful Dad’s out there!