Luna loves her fish just as much as D loves taking photos of Luna with her fish.
Having Fun With The Grandparents
Grandpa B and Luna having some fish together. Luna watching Grandpa snooze.
Luna and Grandma B watching a movie together. Luna sharing her fish with Grandma.
A little video for your enjoyment
","wysiwyg":{"engine":"code","isSource":false,"mode":"htmlmixed","source":""}}" data-block-type="2" id="block-4ff77256e4b0033272c6685f">D’s parents are in town for a week and boy is Luna having fun hanging out with her Grandparents.
Grandpa B and Luna having some fish together. Luna watching Grandpa snooze.
Luna and Grandma B watching a movie together. Luna sharing her fish with Grandma.
A little video for your enjoyment

Something Out Of Place
I know there is something wrong with these pictures, but I just can’t quite put my finger on it.
Is it the fact that it was around ten thirty in the morning when these pictures were taken and my bed was not made? Hmm…no, that’s not it…
…or maybe it’s that dirty, stinky fish that’s laying on my bed…nah…
Oh, I’ve got it! It’s that my dog thinks that just because my husband isn’t lying on his pillow, she can!