D and I are excited to announce that we will be bringing a new baby into the house – and I don’t mean the canine variety. Our small one is due in February and I have been bursting at the seams waiting to tell everyone.

Lots of change\nis in the works, but I am excited and I look forward to these next few months!
","wysiwyg":{"source":""}}" data-block-type="2" id="block-6f12e48bae8128b323fa">I’m currently 11 weeks along and I am eagerly waiting to enter into the second trimester – I read that fatigue slowly dissipates and my appetite should start behaving properly. D has been so sweet and caring to me during these past few weeks (just like he always is) but I can tell that he is excited to be entering into this new phase of life with me. We are currently discussing different baby name options and having fun playing the ‘veto’ card on each other (that's a reference to a scene in an episode of 'Friends' for those of you who didn't pick up on it).
Lots of change is in the works, but I am excited and I look forward to these next few months!