Okay\nI will admit that most of my 'action' photos came out extremely blurry, but\nthat's okay because once my dogs are let loose in the Zoom Room they start running around like crazy! We love having a Zoom Room close by because\nwe can rent out the gym for a half & hour and play on the equipment, or\nattend group meet up\u2019s and socialize with other dogs. On this particular day we had the place to\nourselves and we (the dogs not me) had a blast climbing and playing on\neverything. Luna\u2019s fear of the tunnel is\nofficially over and she now shoots through that thing like she is on some kind\nmission! Penny of course doesn't need any coaxing going up the A-Frame or\njumping over hurdles. She loves proving to us that her size is not an issue and can do the same things that Luna can do. The Zoom Room is quickly becoming a weekly visit for us and all it takes is a half an hour to get in some great quality exercise time!","wysiwyg":{"source":""}}" data-block-type="2" id="block-a31407f44e29e27355ed">
Okay I will admit that most of my 'action' photos came out extremely blurry, but that's okay because once my dogs are let loose in the Zoom Room they start running around like crazy! We love having a Zoom Room close by because we can rent out the gym for a half & hour and play on the equipment, or attend group meet up’s and socialize with other dogs. On this particular day we had the place to ourselves and we (the dogs not me) had a blast climbing and playing on everything. Luna’s fear of the tunnel is officially over and she now shoots through that thing like she is on some kind mission! Penny of course doesn't need any coaxing going up the A-Frame or jumping over hurdles. She loves proving to us that her size is not an issue and can do the same things that Luna can do. The Zoom Room is quickly becoming a weekly visit for us and all it takes is a half an hour to get in some great quality exercise time!