First Trimester Motivation \u2013 Or Lack Thereof\" style=\"padding-bottom:66.66667%;\">
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I have been extremely blessed (in my first trimester of\npregnancy) to not have any extreme nausea or morning sickness. What I seem to be suffering from is a\ncomplete lack of motivation to do absolutely anything \u2013 including everything\nthat has to do with this blog. I can\u2019t tell you how many times I have told my\nhusband that I am going to give up blogging, only to change my mind just a few\nminutes later. This is a daily battle\nthat I am having with myself right now. Having to stop and consider the thought of\nquitting (after five years of blogging) just doesn't seem that appealing\n\u2013 then sometimes it does.
Let\u2019s just blame it on hormones and put those thoughts on\nthe shelf for a while. I have spent ALOT of time lying around the house, and my\nantsy dogs and rounder thighs are clear signs that I need to get myself moving\nagain. I am eagerly looking forward to\nentering into my second trimester (just a mere week away) as I know I will get\nmy energy back and I should start to feel somewhat normal again. Let\u2019s hope!
We are teaming up with Dachshund Nola to host a Black and\nWhite Sunday blog hop. Want to join the hop? Just follow the rules below.
Link up your blog name and URL using the Linky Tool below.
Follow your co-hosts and follow as many other blogs on the Linky\nas you\u2019d like.
Please only submit a few photos with minimal or no text, and\nmake sure it\u2019s in BLACK AND WHITE.
Grab the \u201CBlack and White Sunday Blog Hop\u201D button below and\ninclude it in your Sunday Blog post.
I have been extremely blessed (in my first trimester of pregnancy) to not have any extreme nausea or morning sickness. What I seem to be suffering from is a complete lack of motivation to do absolutely anything – including everything that has to do with this blog. I can’t tell you how many times I have told my husband that I am going to give up blogging, only to change my mind just a few minutes later. This is a daily battle that I am having with myself right now. Having to stop and consider the thought of quitting (after five years of blogging) just doesn't seem that appealing – then sometimes it does.
Let’s just blame it on hormones and put those thoughts on the shelf for a while. I have spent ALOT of time lying around the house, and my antsy dogs and rounder thighs are clear signs that I need to get myself moving again. I am eagerly looking forward to entering into my second trimester (just a mere week away) as I know I will get my energy back and I should start to feel somewhat normal again. Let’s hope!
We are teaming up with Dachshund Nola to host a Black and White Sunday blog hop. Want to join the hop? Just follow the rules below.
Link up your blog name and URL using the Linky Tool below.
Follow your co-hosts and follow as many other blogs on the Linky as you’d like.
Please only submit a few photos with minimal or no text, and make sure it’s in BLACK AND WHITE.
Grab the “Black and White Sunday Blog Hop” button below and include it in your Sunday Blog post.