Do You Have an ETSY Store?

Do you have an ETSY store?

I would love to know if you have one and what was all involved in the process of creating your site.

I have been working diligently on creating my first ETSY store – a store that has been a work in progress for a while, and a store that I have been super excited about.  I am still trying to figure out how to take pictures that will best display my designs, along with evoking the type of feel that I am going for.  I think this part as been the most difficult for me - and where my lack of knowledge of such things as aperture, depth of field, and ISO settings are coming into play. I am however, moving forward with eagerness knowing that the quality in my picture presentation will grow with practice.

​Pretty Shiny Object Coming Soon!

You can find my latest updates here – and in the meantime I am open to any advice you have to offer in regards to the wide world of ETSY.

In Pretty Shiny Object Tags